All you need to know about the technicalities of OWASP mobile security testing

All you need to know about the technicalities of OWASP mobile security testing

Although mobile applications and operating systems are becoming very secure with every passing day in comparison to desktop counterparts still they require regular testing plans. So, to ensure that everything is carried out with efficiency, focusing on the local data storage, sensitive information, and the best communication is important because it will act as the best possible guideline for the developers to safeguard the applications. OWASP mobile security testing guide is basically the comprehensive manual listing the guidelines for mobile application security development, reverse engineering, and the testing system so that things are sorted out and ultimately techniques of mobile application security testing are sorted out very proficiently.

The OWASP mobile security testing mobile application security verification standard is known as the standard that has to be followed by software architects and developers to create the best possible applications in the industry. Different kinds of scenarios have to be covered by different kinds of team members during different phases of the project which is the main reason that developers need to follow the security requirements that have been outlined for development. Following the best practices, in this case, will be helpful in improving the application penetration testing system to enjoy compliance and ensure strict adherence to different kinds of guidelines at the time of working with the players of the industry. Mobile application stands for any kind of program that will be running on the mobile device and different kinds of specific types of mobile applications are explained as follows which the companies need to focus on:

  • Native application: This application is very much native to the entire system for which they have been developed and further will be closely interacting with the mobile device operating systems in the whole process. Accessing the components of the device in the form of a camera, sensors and other associated things is important and they will be normally coming up with their own software development kit.
  • The publications: These are the mobile applications that will be running on the top of the device browser and ultimately will be providing a similar feeling to the native application. It will not be interacting with the device components and has to be a sandbox in the same sense.
  • Hybrid application: This is the mixture of native and publications which will be executed like a native application but the portion will be running on the web browser. Basically, this will be based upon an obstruction layer that will help out with relevant accessibility controls to avoid any kind of problem.
  • Progressive web application: This will look like regular webpages and ultimately will be helpful in providing people with the additional advantage of developing things to work offline and gain access. This will be very helpful in providing people with the opportunity of having a better user experience at all times.

Some of the technicalities that people need to know about mobile application security testing are explained as follows:

  • Blackbox testing: The concerned people in this particular case will be behaving like real attackers and will be exploring different kinds of combinations and use cases for publicly available and discoverable information. Basically, this is known as zero-knowledge testing.
  • White box testing: This is the exact opposite of the above and the tester over here will be conducting the sophisticated testing system with complete knowledge about the vulnerability and the source code in addition to the documentation and the diagram. This is known as full knowledge testing.
  • GRAY box testing: This is the combination of all the above-mentioned points and basically this is a sandwich option in which the concerned person will be given some of the information like credentials and other areas that are normally hidden.
  • Vulnerability analysis: The tester in this particular case will be looking for the vulnerability in the application and the static analysis will involve detailed knowledge of the source code. The best part is that it can either be done manually or automatically and the dynamic analysis will be a sophisticated option done during the run time. This will be helpful in undertaking a good analysis of the specifications in the form of vulnerable entry points, weak features and loopholes in the whole process.
  • Penetration testing: In this particular case, the test has to be carried out at the final or the near-final stage and further it will involve a comprehensive plan starting from the preparation, information gathering and application mapping so that actual testing and reporting will be done without any kind of problem.

Some of the best approaches and practices associated with mobile application security are very well explained as follows to enjoy a good position in the industry:

  • Assessment: Any kind of testing will begin with a good understanding of the environment which people need to have so that everything will be sorted out very easily
  • Analysis of code quality: This will be based upon starting to focus on security by looking at the root of the issues so that the overall quality of the coding will be improved
  • Penetration testing: Testing cases in this particular case will be run with the motive of betting the real-time vulnerabilities which have to be tapped into the attackers to gain access in the data
  • End-to-end device testing: In this case, all the major devices in the operating system will be covered so that things are sorted out
  • Complete planning and execution: Basic steps right from the preparation, and execution to the reporting as well as the resolution will be taken into account at this particular step so that planning can be further implemented without any problem.

Hence, technology space is increasing day by day which is the main reason that organizations need also to depend on the experts like Appsealing along with their top-notch solutions like runtime application self-protection systems so that relevant actions can be swiftly taken. In this case, every company will be able to enjoy the upper hand in comparison to the attackers in the industry.


Kishan Rana is a owner of He is a passionate blogger and turned blogging into a money-making idea for smart passive income. He writes and shares ideas about Technology, Business, Startup, blogging etc..

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