How to Turn Spell Check on And off in Word

How to Turn Spell Check on And off in Word

Microsoft Word is a popular marketable word processor that Microsoft created. Microsoft Word is available as a standalone program or part of the productivity tools Microsoft Office suite.

Microsoft Word was first released in 1983 and has gone through various variations since also. It will work both with Windows and Mac OSX. Microsoft Word is also known as MS Word, or we can say Word. Its primary function is to enable stoners to class and save documents. It has document-making tools similar to that factory in other word processors.

You’re codifying in Word for the web and notice crisp red underlining because you made a mistake. You correct the error, but you’ve lost your flux, your generality. To avoid being distracted, turn off spell check and double-check spelling after you’ve finished writing. The little red squiggly line that word displays under an improperly spelled word can be convenient in identifying easy-to-miss spelling errors as you type page-long paragraphs or even pages of content.

However, that same little squiggly line can also be as inconvenient as convenient. It can often be distracting, making you lose focus and train of thought while typing. These trains of thought can be very annoying to recover, as your attention shifts to the squiggle and trying to correct and get rid of it; it’s an unscratched itch. Handily though, you can turn this feature off and check for spellings yourself while you sift through your document after its completion.

When it’s time to proofread your work, use Word’s spell checkpoint to see the crimes that have been detected. Apart from Word’s spell check, here is an in-depth article for other spell checkers. Spell check cautions you to misspelled words, corrects them as you type, and allows you to search an entire document for misspelled terms. You’ll be able to spot any spelling crimes at a glance and amend them snappily. 

 The Process For Turning Spell Check-On, on Windows

1: After turning off the automatic spelling and grammatical checks, handpick the functional editing language for spell check to work in Word. Handpick the text (the easiest option is to use the keyboard thruway Ctrl-A) and click the status bar’s language selection box.

2: Handpick the language of your choice like English, German, Italian, Spanish, and you can set them manually.

3: Do not calculate the option to descry the language automatically. However, this point constantly creates misapprehensions, If the text contains words in different languages. Click” OK” after turning off” Descry language automatically.”

4: Switch to the” Train” tab. Handpick” Options” and also ”Proofing.”

5: To check or uncheck the boxes next to” Check spelling as you type and Mark ABC crimes as you type” to enable or disable the Word spelling checker.

And checking spelling and ABC check When you click the spell check symbol in the status bar, a right-hand sidebar displays spelling and ABC correction options.

This article check sidebar displays the coming error and provides corrections predicated on the position of your cursor. Coming to the language option box is a spell check icon. You can accept the erroneously pronounced Word by clicking” Ignore. It will also no longer be marked as an error in Word.

Word’s ABC checkpoint is particularly helpful because it highlights stylistic excrescences and ABC rules that might help you avoid misapprehensions in the future.

You might not want someone else to see the red and blue lines if you’re sharing a document with them, analogous as a capsule. After turning off the automatic spelling and grammatical checks, the lines may still appear if someone else examines your text. Fortunately, Word lets you hide spelling and ABC problems so that the lines won’t appear on any machine.

The Process For Turning Spell Check-Off, on Windows

  1. Open your document, go to the menu bar, and handpick Word> Preferences.
  2. Handpick Spelling & Grammar from the drop-down menu.
  3. Uncheck the Check spelling box as you enter the Spelling section.
  4. You may also turn off the ABC check as you type by unchecking the item in the Grammar section that says Check ABC as you type.

So, these are the procedures for turning spell check on and off in Word.

And, the most straightforward and time-saving way is just to reset the Spelling and ABC point as follows:

  1. Press (F7) or handpick Spelling and Grammar from the Tools menu to spark the Spelling and ABC point. In 2007 operations, look at the Review tab.
  2. Handpick the Options tab.
  3. Click the Recheck Document button in the Proofing Tools section.
  4. To confirm your decision, click Yes.
  5. Return to the spell check task by clicking OK.

Turning ON Spellcheck in Word on Mac:

  1. Open Word, now go to the menu section.
  2. Click on the Preference option there.
  3. After this, Word Preference Dialog Box will pop up; click on the option reading ‘Spelling and Grammar.’
  4. Go to the Spelling section.
  5. On the option. ‘Check Spelling as You Type,’ click in to turn on or off.

Turning Off Spellcheck in Word on Mac:

  1. From the menu bar, open your document and select Word > Preferences.
  2. Click Spelling & Grammar.
  3. In the Spelling section, uncheck the Check spelling box as you type.
  4. If you like, you can also stop the grammar check as you work by unchecking the box for Check grammar as you type in the Grammar section.

How to Disable Spellcheck in Word Online

Word online is a popular tool for creating and editing text documents. It is convenient when mutual collaboration on a document is required. If needed, you can disable spellcheck in Word Online. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. First, sign in to Word and then open your document.
  2. Navigate over to the Review tab.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow next to Editor and select Set Proofing Language. Check the box for Don’t check spelling or grammar.
  4. Click OK.

By disabling spellcheck in word online, you retroactively disable grammar check by default. Spellcheck would have been disabled, box when, and this point would have eliminated the red-squiggly line. 

However, if you would like to make the manual spellcheck process more manageable, here is what you can do, whether you are using a Windows device, Mac, or using Word Online:

Manual Spellchecking

Checking on Windows:

There are two ways you can go about this. Here’s the first way:

1. Using proofing error check

  • Select over the paragraph you would like to spellcheck.
  • Look for the little book icon (Spelling and Grammar Check icon) next to the word count in the status bar at the bottom of the Word window and click it.
  • The spelling errors will be displayed on the right-hand side text box and possible spelling alternatives.

2. Using the Review tab:

 Navigate to the Review tab and click Editor on the top left of the ribbon.

Checking on Mac:

Running spellcheck on Mac is very similar to running spellcheck on windows; It requires almost identical steps. You can either find the Spelling and Grammar Check icon in the status bar or navigate the Review tab and click Editor. Using any one method will yield you the result of any misspellings or grammatical errors found, which you can rectify as you require.

Manual Spellcheck in Word Online

You can navigate to the same component as you did when disabling spellcheck. When you’re ready, go over to the Review tab, select the drop-down menu next to the Editor, and select Editor.


As helpful and convenient spellcheck is, it can hinder concentration by using the subject of much ire and disdain, the red squiggly line. Following the steps listed above can help get rid of the squiggle for you. 

However, make sure you disable only what you need to, and do not forget to spellcheck after completing the document manually. It is essential to check your documents manually. Also, it will be better for you because sometimes the Word spellchecker will do its work, but it might happen that while reading, sentences might not make any sense. At this time, manually checking will be helpful. The Microsoft Word feature is there for a reason and is as beneficial as sometimes a hindrance. Make sure to turn on spellcheck when editing important work or school documents.

If all you desire is to disable spellcheck on certain words like several Asian and African names and terms, make sure to right-click the word and click adds to the dictionary or ignore once/ignore all.

People can constantly class more text on computers than they can by hand or on a typewriter due to the ease of organizing. One of the essential advantages of using a spell checker is its delicacy. Using a spell checker will reduce the number of errors in the document, making your document easy to read and understand. These tools help people improve their English language chops by pressing their excrescences and crimes. ABC Checker Tools will proofread your notation to ensure it’s accurate and error-free.

Reminder: Don’t forget to re-check the unchecked boxes when you require them!


Kishan Rana is a owner of He is a passionate blogger and turned blogging into a money-making idea for smart passive income. He writes and shares ideas about Technology, Business, Startup, blogging etc..

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